USC Verdugo Hills Hospital
Verdugo Hills, California
Construction Completion: 2022
Role: Architect of Record
Size: 3,800 SF
Services: Feasibility Analysis, Preconstruction Services, Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, Agency, Construction Contract Administration, Project Close-Out
The Cardiac Cath + Interventional Radiology Suites project began as a feasibility study where SHA worked with the Owner to develop and refine the scope, prepare a schematic design level floor plan for approval by hospital users, and identify any potential upgrades to bring the existing departments into compliance with CBC Title 24 code and ADA handicap accessibility requirements.
The scope of the project within the hospital adds two new cardiac cath labs, one of which will be used as either a cath lab or for interventional radiology, and the other which will be used as an EP (electrophysiological) lab. Additional scope areas include remodeling staff changing rooms and toilet/shower facilities to meet ADA accessibility. The project was completed using phased construction to lessen disruptions to the operations of neighboring surgery and radiology departments.